Predicting Life Expectancy Based on Self-Efficacy and Psychological Hardiness in Cancer Patients
This study investigated the relationship between life expectancy, psychological hardiness, and self-efficacy in cancer patients. The statistical population of this study consisted of all cancer patients residing in Shiraz in 1402 (2023). Using a non-random sampling method, 150 patients were selected and voluntarily responded to the questionnaires. This research is descriptive and correlational. Three scales were used to measure the variables: Snyder's Adult Hope Scale, Kobasa's Psychological Hardiness Questionnaire, and Jerusalem and Schwartz's Self-Efficacy Scale. Data analysis was performed using the simultaneous multiple regression method. The data analysis confirmed all three hypotheses of the research. Thus, self-efficacy and psychological hardiness can predict life expectancy in cancer patients (p < 0.001). Accordingly, the coefficient of determination was 0.52. Of these two variables, the share of the psychological hardiness variable in predicting life expectancy was greater than that of self-efficacy.
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