Effectiveness of Schema Therapy (ST) and Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) on optimism and finding the meaning of life of people with Major Depressive Disorder in Khuzestan Province
Objective: Psychiatric disorders, especially depression, are common among people in the society. This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the Effectiveness of the Schema Therapy and Emotion-Focused Therapy on optimism and finding the meaning of life of people with Major Depressive Disorder in Khuzestan province of Iran.Method: 84 patients with major depressive disorder who were selected based on DSM-5-TR[1] diagnostic criteria were randomly divided into three groups, control, Schema Therapy (ST) and Emotion-Focused Therapy groups. To collect data, a demographic questionnaire (age, marital status and level of education), Beck-II Depression Scale, Scheier & Carver Optimism Questionnaire and The Steger Meaning in Life Questionnaire (MLQ) were used.
Findings: The findings of the research showed that the effect of both Schema Therapy and Emotionally Focused Therapy on optimism and finding the meaning of life of people with depressive disorder was significant. In addition, in a more detailed comparison, schema therapy had a greater effect on finding the meaning of life in patients with Major Depressive Disorder, while Emotionally Focused Therapy was more effective on the level of optimism of these people.
Conclusion: At the end of this research, it can be concluded that both treatment methods; Schema Therapy and Emotionally Focused Therapy are useful approaches to reduce patients' depression, and this treatment occurs through changes in the level of optimism and understanding the meaning of people's lives, and the effects of these two treatments are relatively stable. The findings of this research can provide useful information for counselors and psychotherapists to use which therapeutic approach or combination of approaches to treat people with depression.
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