The Impact of Schemas and Emotions on Healthy Relationships


  • Danial Karimzadeh Master of Private Law, Faculty of Law, Faran Mehr Danesh Higher Education Institute, Tehran, Iran Master of Personality Psychology, Department of General Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran PhD Student in Computer Engineering - Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Islamic Azad University of Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran



Schema, Adaptive Schemas, Maladaptive Schemas, Early Maladaptive Schemas, Jeffrey Young, Young Schema Test, Young Schema Questionnaire, Schema therapy, Emotion, Healthy Relationships


Human relationships are like waves that go through various ups and downs. These fluctuations can sometimes be harmful, while at other times they add diversity and dynamism to relationships. In life, relationships play a key role as they give us a sense of being alive and help us navigate life's challenges more easily. This study examines the impact of schemas and emotions on the formation of healthy relationships after identifying the dimensions of the issue. To test the hypotheses, data were collected through questionnaires. The statistical population of this study included couples living in Tehran, from which samples were selectively chosen. The sampling method was purposive, based on the target population and considering the conditions of the test, the research was conducted among active community members using purposive sampling. The sample size was determined to be at least 121 couples, and ultimately, 156 couples (312 individuals) from Tehran completed the questionnaires. The collected data were processed for statistical analysis using SPSS software. The internal reliability of the questionnaire was calculated to be above 0.05, indicating an acceptable level of significance. The results show that changing maladaptive schemas and improving emotion regulation can help improve the quality of interpersonal relationships. Using methods such as schema therapy, which focuses on treating and reconstructing these patterns, can have a positive impact on the dynamics of relationships.


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How to Cite

Karimzadeh, D. (2024). The Impact of Schemas and Emotions on Healthy Relationships. International Journal of New Findings in Health and Educational Sciences (IJHES), 2(4), 83–102.




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