Construction and Normalization of Competency Evaluative Indicators based on the Screening of Psychological and Personality Fundamental Scales with the Third Edition of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-3)


  • Behrooz Naghsh Ph.D. in Psychology, Psychopathologist, Keysun-Co, Tehran, Iran
  • Mohammad Eskandari Ph.D. Candidate in Psychology, Psychometrist, Keysun-Co, Tehran, Iran



Competency Evaluative Indicators, Screening, Third Edition of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, MMPI-3


This research aimed to construct, validate and normalize a measuring scale of competency evaluative indicators based on the screening of psychological and personality fundamental scales with the Third Edition of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-3). Present study aimed that competency indicators can be measured with a validate instrument named MMPI-3. We assessed the validity of this new measure applied to 3000 participating from Iran.  We obtained evidence for (a) content validity (through item analysis), (b) internal structure with Mokken Scaling Analysis and structural equation modeling to examine the item–construct relationship, differential item functioning, and reliability, and (c) association with external variables. The items were found to function one-dimensionally, with strong item–construct relationships and no differential functioning. Theoretically consistent associations were found between scales of MMPI-3 and constructed Indicators by researchers. The findings of the present study shown that (a) we can assess competency indicators as second layer of MMPI-3 profile, (b) there’s a strong correlation among competency indicators and MMPI-3 scales as reverse layer and (c) constructed indicators by researchers are validate and reliable to assess competency indicators for evaluating and screening psychological and personality features


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How to Cite

Naghsh, B., & Eskandari, M. (2024). Construction and Normalization of Competency Evaluative Indicators based on the Screening of Psychological and Personality Fundamental Scales with the Third Edition of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-3). International Journal of New Findings in Health and Educational Sciences (IJHES), 2(2), 92–105.




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