Comparison of the Three Beliefs of Metacognition, Life Regulation, and Thought Control and Narcissism In Successful and Unsuccessful People in Overcoming Anxiety Who Use Opioids


  • Sepehr Badrkhan MA,Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran
  • Fereshteh Basseri Master's degree in General Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Yazd Azad University, Yazd,Iran
  • Zahra Niknam Master student of cognitive psychology, Department of psychology and Education, Allame Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran
  • Sajad jokar Psychology expert, Azad University of Qom, Qom, Iran, and Master of Rehabilitation Counseling, Khomein Azad University, Makarshi, Iran
  • Mohsen bayat PHD Student of Psychology, Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil, Iran
  • Zahra Mehtari Bachelor's student in geology, Faculty of Sciences, Zanjan University,Zanjan, Iran



Aim: Comparison of the three beliefs of metacognition , life regulation , and thought control and narcissism in successful and unsuccessful people in overcoming anxiety who use opioids . It was teenagers . Method: This Research One study Ali – Comparative is That On Roy two group 50 no one (Persons successful And failed to quit methamphetamine ), The method Sampling in available do became . Information With Questionnaires of metacognitive beliefs, tuning Thrill And Thought control gathering became . analysis And analysis Data with Indicators Descriptive And Test T Independent do became Findings : Results at a significant level 0.01 sign gave Persons Failed to quit methamphetamine From Ability tuning Thrill less Ratio To Persons successful have and At Comparison With successful people More From Positive cognitive beliefs about drugs Use and have lower thought control . Results: The difference between the two groups in these variables can indicate the importance of metacognitive beliefs, emotional regulation and thought control in the success of quitting methamphetamine .


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How to Cite

Badrkhan, S., Basseri, F., Niknam, Z., jokar, S., bayat, M., & Mehtari, Z. (2024). Comparison of the Three Beliefs of Metacognition, Life Regulation, and Thought Control and Narcissism In Successful and Unsuccessful People in Overcoming Anxiety Who Use Opioids. International Journal of New Findings in Health and Educational Sciences (IJHES), 2(2), 106–114.


