The Role of human agency on People's Desire for cosmetic surgery
human agency, cosmetic surgery, body image, distortion..Abstract
In today's fast-paced society, the range of relationships has developed due to the existence of various communication ways and the appearance of people as the first recognizable symbol and sign and as a basic component for evaluating social status has become very important. Today, with the formation of the consumer society, the expansion of the media and the reflection of identity, people start building their bodies, and what is very important in this is to correct the cause of this desire and tendency.
The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the impact of human agency on people's tendency to perform cosmetic surgeries by using a review method. In this method, the main keywords were searched in the scientific databases of Google Scholar, SID, Noormagz, and Pubmed from 1383 to 1400. 103 articles were found. After the necessary checks and removing duplicate articles, 63 articles were finally reviewed.
In the reviewed articles, all of which dealt with the effect of various factors on cosmetic surgery and human agency, the results showed that cosmetic surgery is influenced by psychological factors and that a person's body image has a significant effect on performing surgery. Also, other factors such as the desire to gain social status, lack of mental health, imitation of friends, orientation to the opposite sex, level of education, lack of self-confidence, etc. are also effective factors in performing cosmetic procedures. On the other hand, according to research, a person with a high human agency is a complex being with will and authority who can control his life conditions through the process of thinking, motivation and action.
Based on the findings, it can be stated that strengthening and increasing human agency with the right methods and practices in a supportive and rich environment can reduce the desire to perform surgeries that are not therapeutic and only due to the existence of psychological issues and A person's negative body image is formed.
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